
Spotlights (Creation)

Actions (Beyond)


  1. Fail
  2. Well-Met
  3. Function
  4. Focus
  5. Expertise
  6. Steel
  7. Organization
  8. Flow
  9. Study-Up


  1. The Agony Rite
  2. Intensity
  3. Stunt
  4. Costumery
  5. Cliffhanger Rite
  6. Talent
  7. Strategy
  8. The Casting Rite
  9. Misdirection


  1. Connection
  2. Projection Rite
  3. Administration
  4. Guidance
  5. Glorification
  6. Ignition
  7. Trust
  8. Design
  9. Divine Plan


  1. Investigation
  2. Vision
  3. Spherecraft
  4. Hunt
  5. Navigation
  6. Percipience
  7. Infusion
  8. Inchoation
  9. Invocation


  1. Wailing Rite
  2. Elysium
  3. Revenant Rite
  4. Contagion
  5. Destruction
  6. Shattering
  7. Unfettering
  8. The Casting Rite
  9. Masking Rite

An Orderly Life

  • Someone comments on how much of a mess you are;
  • A major event takes place just outside the scope of your concerns;
  • Your life situation doesn’t offer some utility or service that’s a key part of modern life;
  • You face an impending visit/inspection from someone who is going to judge your life situation


  • Working closely with one or more animals or animal-like things
  • Not really knowing how to live in the world—and possibly, not even in the void
  • Watching the horizon
  • Tinkering with the fine details of a craft object or scheme
  • Narrating some element of your situation
  • Experiencing a flare-up of your sickness
  • Visiting a preserved historic site or object
  • Meeting an old friend